
Below is the price list for all of our offerings. All prices are listed in USD.

Spanish Course

Regular (15 hrs./Week) $150/week
$540/4 weeks
Inensive (20 hrs./Week) $200/week
$720/4 weeks

Specialized Classes

Medical Spanish See
Business Spanish $325/week
Legal Spanish $325/week
Writing Workshop $325/week (minimum two weeks)
Advanced Grammatical Problems $325/week (minimum two weeks)
Indigenous Groups of Mexico $325/week (minimum two weeks)
Phonetics $325/week (minimum two weeks)
Zapotec & Mixtec Language $325/week (minimum two weeks)

Home Stays

Breakfast $25/night
Breakfast/Comida $29/night
Three meals $32/night


Youth Package

$825/2 weeks
$1650/4 weeks

Family Package $180/week
$680/4 weeks
Seniors Package $1999/4 weeks


Cooking Class (three hours) $5/hour
Salsa Lessons $5/hour


Etla $15/person (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Cuilapam de Guerrero & Zaachila $15/person (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Ocotlán and surrounding communities $15/person (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Tlacolula, Mitla, Tule and Teotitlán del Valle $15/person (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Hierve el Agua $25/person (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

“The ICC's classes focus on practical Spanish. It helped me better understand what people say and what they mean... and in turn helped me to become more fluent, not just linguistically, but culturally.”

- Marie O'Brien,
United States

“Their approach of practicing speaking Spanish all the time while using correct grammar worked so much better for me than my first school's approach of many hours of learning grammar and then speaking for only part of class.”

- Tim Wang,
United States

“I was pleased with the flexibility of the school to meet my needs – they designed an advanced class appropriate for my language level, met me at the airport despite flight complications, and organized excursions based on the sights I wanted to see in Oaxaca Valley.”

- Sarah Roggero,
United States

"The teaching staff at ICC is fantastic.  The classes were organized to facilitate real life conversations, which was exactly the practice I needed. The school is also located in a great part of the city, close to the heart of centro historico.  I plan to return."

-Marla Renn

Vancouver, Canada

“Probably my favourite time at the ICC was the excursions. Yolanda (the director) took us personally on tours of the surrounding pueblitas, showing us the specific hand crafts that each town specialized in, often including a demonstration of the traditional methods the still use.”

- Tim Wang,
United States

"The spanish classes at the ICC were great. They were the perfect balance of educational, informative and fun. The teaching was very professional and personal and the atmosphere was just right. We highly recommend the ICC to anyone who wants to learn Spanish!"

- Jonathan Thaw (April 2012)

“As an advanced student of Spanish, I have to look carefully for language schools that can help me, so I was delighted to find that the instruction in ICC was so in-depth. Because of the school’s association with the Oaxaca Times, the staff are a well-informed resource for what goes on in this beautiful city.”

- Jim Innocent

United States